9. Conversions

9.1 Projections

Voici la liste des projections du logiciel de conversion.
  1. Albers Egual Area - Inv
  2. Azimuthal equidistant - Inv
  3. Airy
  4. Aitoff
  5. Alaska Mod.-Stereographics - Inv
  6. Apian Globular - Inv
  7. August Epicycloidal
  8. Bacon Globular
  9. Bipolar Conic - Inv
  10. Boggs Eumorphic
  11. Bonne - Inv
  12. Cassini - Inv
  13. Central Cylindrical - Inv
  14. Cylindrical Equal Area - Inv
  15. Chamberlin Trimetric
  16. Collignon - Inv
  17. Denoyer Semi-Elliptical
  18. Eckert I - Inv
  19. Eckert II - Inv
  20. Eckert III - Inv
  21. Eckert IV - Inv
  22. Eckert V - Inv
  23. Eckert VI - Inv
  24. Eisenlohr
  25. Equidistant Cylindrical - Inv
  26. Equidistant Conic - Inv
  27. Fournier Globular
  28. Gall (Stereographic) - Inv
  29. Goode Homolosine
  30. Gnomonic - Inv
  31. 50 State U.S. Mod.-Stereographic - Inv
  32. 48 State U.S. Mod.-Stereographic - Inv
  33. Hammer (Elliptical)
  34. Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area - Inv
  35. Laborde - Inv
  36. Lagrange
  37. Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area - Inv
  38. Lambert Equal Area Conic - Inv
  39. Lee Oblate Stereographics Pacific - Inv
  40. Lambert Conformal Conic - Inv
  41. Loximuthal - Inv
  42. LANDSAT Space Oblique Mercator - Inv
  43. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic - Inv
  44. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal - Inv
  45. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic - Inv
  46. Mercator - Inv
  47. Miller - Inv
  48. Miller Oblate Stereographics Eur-Africa - Inv
  49. Mollweides - Inv
  50. Nicolosi Globular
  51. General Vertical Persepective - Inv
  52. New Zealand Map Grid - Inv
  53. General Oblique/Transverse translator
  54. Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area - Inv
  55. Oblique Mercator - Inv
  56. Ortelius
  57. Orthographic - Inv
  58. Caster Parabolic - Inv
  59. Perspective Conic
  60. Polyconic (American) - Inv
  61. Putnins P2' - Inv
  62. Putnins P5 - Inv
  63. Rectangular Polyconic
  64. Quartic Authalic - Inv
  65. Robinson - Inv
  66. Sinusoidal - Inv
  67. Stereographic - Inv
  68. Transverse Central Cylindrical - Inv
  69. Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area - Inv
  70. Transverse Mercator - Inv
  71. Two Point Equidistant
  72. Tilted perspective - Inv
  73. Universal Polar Stereographic - Inv
  74. Universal Transverse Mercator - Inv
  75. Van der Grinten - Inv
  76. Van der Grinten II
  77. Van der Grinten III
  78. Van der Grinten IV
  79. Wagner VII
  80. Winkel I - Inv
  81. Winkel Tripel

9.2 Ellipsoides

Voici la liste des ellipsoides.
  1. MERIT 1983
  2. SGS 85
  3. GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)
  4. IAU 1976
  5. Airy 1830
  6. Appl. Physics. 1965
  7. Naval Weapons Lab., 1965
  8. Modified Airy
  9. Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.)
  10. Australian Natl and S. Amer. 1969
  11. GRS 67(IUGG 1967)
  12. Bessel 1841
  13. Bessel 1841 (Namibia)
  14. Clarke 1866
  15. Clarke 1880 mod.
  16. Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799
  17. Delambre 1810 (Belgium)
  18. Engelis 1985
  19. Everest 1830
  20. Everest 1948
  21. Everest 1956
  22. Everest 1969
  23. Everest (Sabah and Sarawak)
  24. Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960
  25. Modified Fischer 1960
  26. Fischer 1968
  27. Helmert 1906
  28. Hough
  29. International 1909 (Hayford)
  30. Krassovsky, 1942
  31. Kaula 1961
  32. Lerch 1979
  33. Maupertius 1738
  34. New International 1967
  35. Plessis 1817 (France)
  36. Southeast Asia
  37. Walbeck
  38. WGS 60
  39. WGS 66
  40. WGS 72
  41. WGS 84

XM2 Copyright (c) 88-98 Guy Coslado